vendredi 31 mai 2024


Happy Friday everyone!


Today I’m sharing a card I created with the new Merci die from Lawn Fawn. 

I started by stenciling all the flowers from the Altenew Floral Wimsy Dinamic Duo Set. Then I added details with gold embossing powder. I actually wanted to use to whole flower panel like a patterned paper, but then my sentiment would have covered up the biggest flowers. So I decided to cut them out with the coordinating dies.

For the gorgeous MERCI I used a inlay Technique so,  it really looks like the gold is engraved in the paper. Then I’m scattered all the flowers around, until I liked how they looked and glued them down. I also created  round edges to give the card a little bit a softer look.

I hope you find some inspiration. 

Have a wonderful day.




Einen schönen Freitag euch allen!


Heute zeige ich euch eine Karte, die ich mit der neuen Merci-Stanze von Lawn Fawn gestaltet habe. 

Zuerst habe ich alle Blumen aus dem Altenew Floral Wimsy Dinamic Duo Set mit Schablonen und Stepelfarbe gemacht. Dann habe ich mit Goldprägepulver Details hinzugefügt. Eigentlich wollte ich das ganzen Blumen wie ein gemustertes Papier verwenden, aber dann hätte mein Spruch die größten Blumen verdeckt. Also habe ich beschlossen, sie mit den passenden Stanzen auszuschneiden.

Für das wunderschöne MERCI habe ich eine Inlay Technik verwendet, so dass es wirklich so aussieht, als wäre das Gold in das Papier eingraviert. Dann habe ich alle Blumen verstreut, bis sie mir gefielen, und sie dann aufgeklebt. Ich habe auch runde Ränder gemacht, um der Karte einen etwas weicheren Stil zu geben.

Ich hoffe, Sie finden etwas Inspiration. 

Habt einen wunderschönen Tag.



jeudi 30 mai 2024

Ice cream makes everthing better!

 Buongiorno creative!
come ogni mio post son felicissima di presentarvi questa nuova card! Mi ci son voluti 3 giorni per decidere che tipologia di card volevo creare per valorizzare al meglio questa nuova release della Lawnfawn. Mi son goduta il processo di costruzione di questo biglietto e devo dire che dopo tanti mesi dove non son stata bene di salute, ho apprezzato tantissimo questi attimi di creatività e divertimento! ora basta parlare di me e torniamo alla card!

 Good morning dear crafty friends!
as with each of my posts I am so happy to introduce you to this new card! It took me 3 days to decide what kind of card I wanted to create to make the most of this new release from Lawnfawn. I enjoyed the process of building this card and I have to say that after so many months where I have not been well with my health, I so appreciated these moments of creativity and fun!
..But enough about me and back to the card!

Ho tagliato da un Bazzill bianco una striscia larga 15 cm x 30 cm ed ho cordonato a 10 e 20 cm.

I cut from a white Bazzill a strip 15 cm x 30 cm wide and scored at 10 and 20 cm.      

bon la fustella Ta-da!Diorama shop add on dies ho ricavato una finestrella come da foto.

With the Ta-da!Diorama shop add on dies I cut out a small window as pictured.

Con del washi tape ho fissato il brick stencil al cartoncino e creato uno sfondo che ricordasse appunto un muro. Ho colorato prima con il Distress Oxide lost shadow e poi per dare un po' di dimensione ho usato un grigio più scuro il Weathered wood.

With washi tape I attached the brick stencil to the cardstock and created a background that would precisely resemble a wall. I colored first with Distress Oxide lost shadow and then to give it some dimension I used a darker gray Weathered wood.

Ho incollato alla finestrella un pezzo di acetato per ricreare l'effetto finestra/vetrina e poi mattato con un cartoncino con la stessa trama a mattoni.

I glued a piece of acetate to the small window to recreate the window/window effect and then matted it with cardboard with the same brick texture.

Ho colorato la tendina ed il cespuglio ( ricavato con la fustella Cloud borders ) con i Copic. 

I colored the curtain and the bush ( made with the Cloud borders die cut ) with Copics. 

Ho voluto creare l'interno della gelateria creando il bancone gelati. Ho tagliato un cartoncino bianco da cui creato un' aletta da attaccare alla base della card e colorato con i copic per ricordare una texture di marmo ed abbellito con gli elementi del set Treat cart stamps.

I wanted to create the interior of the ice cream shop by creating the ice cream counter. I cut a white card and cut out a flap to attach to the base of the card and colored with copics to resemble a marble texture and embellished with elements from the Treat cart stamps set.

...e voila questo è il risultato finale, fronte e retro, spero vi sia piaciuto!
Grazie per esser passate da qui e vi auguro una splendida giornata!

...And voila this is the final result, front and back. I hope you enjoyed it!
Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful day!


mardi 28 mai 2024

Un bouquet de fleurs ET un Merci

Bonjour, bonjour !

Aujourd'hui je vous propose non pas 1 mais 2 cartes complètement différentes.

La première avec des produits de Simon Hurley :

Le set Ceramic vases et Floral stems de Simon Hurley/Spellbinders

Le stencil Watercolor Rectangle de My Favorite Things ( déjà hors stock mais il reste la version carrée )

Que vous trouverez en boutique

Le sentiment vient de mon stock, c'est aussi Simon Hurley/Spellbinders 

Et des encres Distress Oxide pour le fond

Pour la bordure de la carte j'ai utilisé un viel outil "distresser" de Tim Holtz acheté pfiouu en 2011 ou 2012 ? MAIS qui revient sur le marché.

J'ai utilisé mes marquers alcool pour colorer les fleurs et les feuilles, pour le vase j'ai encré avec la distress Oxide peacock feather


Passons à la 2ème carte


Vous trouverez les produits de Lawn Fawn ici

Pour cette carte j'ai utilisé:
Scalloped Arches Border
Giant Outlined Merci

que j'avais pris en boutique et le scalloped Rectangle que j'avais en stock

j'ai coloré les arches et la découpe Merci avec les  Distress Oxide

J'espère que vous trouverez de quoi vous inspirer pour votre prochaine création ^^

Merveilleuse journée à vous !


Hello Hello!
Today I offer you not 1 but 2 completely different cards.
The first with products from Simon Hurley: The Ceramic vases and Floral stems set by Simon Hurley/Spellbinders
The Watercolor Rectangle stencil from My Favorite Things (already out of stock but the square version remains) Which you will find in store 
The feeling comes from my stock, it's also Simon Hurley/Spellbinders 
And Distress Oxide inks for the background 
For the border of the card I used an old “distresser” tool from Tim Holtz bought pfiouu in 2011 or 2012? BUT which is returning to the market. 
I used my alcohol markers to color the flowers and leaves, for the vase I inked with distress Oxide peacock feather 
Let's move on to the 2nd card You will find Lawn Fawn products here
For this card I used:
Scalloped Arches Border Giant Outlined Thank you that I bought in store and the scalloped Rectangle that I had in stock I colored the arches and the Merci cutout with Distress Oxide I hope you find something to inspire you for your next creation ^^ Wonderful day to you!

vendredi 17 mai 2024

Sweet Baby Card

Hi everyone!


Today I’m sharing a sweet baby card. Used the Birthday Dinosaur from Spellbinders for this. This is just soo sweet and I love adding all the little details. For the background I used patterned Paper Mimosa from les Ateliers de Karin. This gives so much texture.

I Used the Spellbinders Make a Wish Arch Die Set to create a shaped card. You just hang the die over the side of your card and tadaaa a shaped card. 

I also used Glossy Accent to add some shine to the hearts and the letters. Because of that the letters look a little bit darker, but I like that little bit of shine on a card.


Have a wonderful day




Hallo Zäme!


Heute zeige ich eine süße Babykarte. Dafür habe ich den Birthday Dinosaurier von Spellbinders verwendet. Die Karte ist einfach so süß und ich liebe all die kleinen Details. Für den Hintergrund habe ich das gemusterte Papier Mimosa von les Ateliers de Karin verwendet. Das gibt so viel Textur.

Ich habe das Spellbinders Stanzerset Make a Wish Arch verwendet, um eine runde Karte zu gestalten. Man hängt die Stanze einfach über die Seite der Karte und tadaaa, eine halbrunde Karte. 

Ich habe auch Glanzakzent verwendet, um den Herzen und den Buchstaben etwas Glanz zu verleihen. Dadurch sehen die Buchstaben zwar ein bisschen dunkler aus, aber ich mag dieses bisschen Glanz auf einer Karte.


Ich wünsche euch einen schönen Tag


vendredi 10 mai 2024

3 different cards using Altenew Baroque Elegance

Ciao a tutti! 
Spero di trovarvi bene! oggi vi mostre 3 card diverse usando la stessa press plate di Altenew Baroque elegance.
Ho cominciato provando a colorare la press plate con le solar paste neon di Simon Hurley Tangent, Yellow Jacket, Hot mess, Mood ring, Dart frog e No Chill. Come potete notare dalla foto, alcuni punti il colore si é un po sbavato, ma nessuna paura, passando poi con l'inchiostro nero su tutto il cartoncino, andrà a coprire le parte macchiate.

Hi everyone!!! 
I hope to find you well! today I am showing you 3 different cards using the same press plate from Altenew Baroque elegance .
I started by trying to color the press plate with Simon Hurley's neon solar pastes Tangent, Yellow Jacket, Hot mess, Mood ring, Dart frog and No Chill. As you can see from the photo, some places the color smudged a bit, but no fear, going through then with black ink on the whole cardboard, will go to cover the stained parts.

In seguito ho voluto creare altre combinazioni usando i distress oxide e un inchiostro bianco sul Kraft per vedere che effetto veniva ed ho ottenuto i seguenti sfondi:

Later I wanted to create other combinations using distress oxides and a white ink on the Kraft to see what effect came and got the following backgrounds:


Infine ho scelto 3 di questi sfondi per creare il mio tris di card:

Finally, I chose 3 of these backgrounds to create my trio of cards:

Ho usato una fustella della Lawfawn Stitched rectangle frames per fagliare lo sfondo ed ho incollato i pezzi su in cartoncino olografico ed abbellito con un sentimento della concord9th.

I used a die cut from Lawfawn Stitched rectangle frames to cut out the background and glued the pieces onto holographic cardstock and embellished with a sentiment from concord9th.

Qui invece ho abbellito lo sfondo con il sentiment Best wishes line border della Lawnfawn e le margherite di Spellbinders Fresh picked daisies.

Here, however, I embellished the background with Lawnfawn's Best wishes line border sentiment and Spellbinders Fresh picked daisies.

per quest' ultima card invece ho creato una card per matrimonio usando il timbro di Les ateliers de Karine Romance.

for this last card instead I created a wedding card using the stamp of Les ateliers de Karine Romance

Spero vi siano piaciute, buon weekend

I hope you enjoyed them, have a nice weekend


jeudi 9 mai 2024

Papier Ombré et die papillon

Hello tout le monde ! 

Quand j'ai vu ce die papillon Breakthrough Butterflies de MFT je l'avais trouvé super beau, une fois arrivé à la maison...ben je me demandais ce que j'allais bien pouvoir en faire, j'ai pris le bloc de papier 6x6 Ombré de Craft Consortium et... de fil en aiguille j'ai créé...15 cartes !😱 si si la créativité est venue d'un seul coup!

Belle journée,


Hello everyone !

When I saw this Breakthrough Butterflies die from MFT I found it super beautiful, once I got home... well I was wondering what I was going to be able to do with it, I took the block of 6x6 Ombré paper from Craft Consortium and... one thing led to another I created... 15 cards!😱 yes the creativity came all at once!

vendredi 3 mai 2024

Fresh Picked Daisies

Hallo zäme!

Ich zeige euch hier eine Karte, die ich mit den tollen Blumen Fresh Picked Daisies von Spellbinders gemacht habe. Diese sind ja dafür gemacht, dass sie perfekt auf eine Karte passen. Man kann sie aber natürlich auch sonst verwenden. Das tolle ist, für die Blüten habe ich einfach ein Papier von Craft Consortium Retro Summer genommen. Ich finde es sieht damit soo toll aus und braucht nicht so viel Zeit, wie wenn ich sie mit Stempelfarbe male.

Für den Hintergrund habe ich ein Peach Farbenes Papier genommen, und mit etwas Stempelfarbe und eine Pinsel eine leichte Textur verliehen.

Ich wünsche euch einen wundervollen Tag, 




Hi everyone!


I'm showing you a card that I made with the great flowers Fresh Picked Daisies from Spellbinders. These are made to fit perfectly on a card. But of course you can also use them for other purposes. The great thing is that I simply used a paper from Craft Consortium Retro Summer for the flowers. I think it looks so great and doesn't take as much time as when I paint them with stamping ink.

For the background, I used a Peach colored paper and gave it a light texture with some stamping ink and a brush.

Have a wonderful day, 
