Nous avons tiré au sort moyennant le petit système Bingo, jeu pour enfants. Yannick m'a aidé, c'est lui qui a tourné la manivelle
First, I want to thank everybody for their participation!! I enjoy a lot doing blogcandies !!
We used a Bingo number system to get the winner. Yannick, my son, did all the work: he turned over the thing that get's the lucky number out of it
Et la gagnante est .....
And the winner is .....

Number 25, and that is : Angela from Berlin.
Please contact me by email to to inform me about your name and address, I will send you the blogcandy as soon as possible. Congratulations !!!
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,is this really true?I can not believe that I won.Many thanks for you,i'll send you at once an email.I'm so happy and i wish you a happy day.
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